
Incarnation: On the Scope and Depth of Christology is unavailable, but you can change that!

Incarnation: On the Scope and Depth of Christology leads readers to an understanding of “deep incarnation,” interpreting this central Christian idea to address the needs of the entire created order. Essays by prominent scholars examine how Christology is relevant and meaningful when responding to the challenges of scientific cosmology and of global religious pluralism. This book brings doctrine...

is explained with the doctrine that we, by being situated by God at the center and midpoint of all divisions, are related to the extremities of these divisions in our own parts. This makes humankind the natural starting point for the movement of conversion, which proceeds accordingly: (1) human nature comprises both sexes and may unify them without passion in virtue; (2) humankind is an earthly being meant to live in paradise; (3) humans may achieve angelic virtue and therefore unite earth and heaven;
Pages 106–107